Information on the processing of personal data

Quality and Compliance Manager/Consultant

Arriello Ireland Ltd (No. 51, Bracken Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland, registration number 490379) and Arriello s.r.o. (Olivova 2096/4, Prague 1, 11000 Czech Republic, registration number 28225503) are the joint controllers of personal data and are referred to jointly as “Arriello”. Arriello respects the principles of personal data processing and treats your personal data in accordance with applicable laws, decides on the purpose and means of the processing of your personal data, and ensures that your personal data are properly secured. This document and the terms “employment” and “employee” apply to both employees and independent contractors of Arriello.

Why do we process your personal data?

When you apply for a job at Arriello, you provide us with your CV and other personal data, which we process within recruitment and the whole process of selection of new employees.

Which personal data do we process?

Arriello processes the data you provided us for the recruitment purposes, including the following categories of personal data. This does not mean that we process all the below personal data for each individual candidate. Note that the list of examples may not be exhaustive because there is no uniform template for CVs, and every jobseeker provides different data.

  • First name, last name
  • Academic title
  • Permanent residence, temporary residence
  • Country of citizenship
  • Date and place of birth, birth number
  • Native language
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Education
  • Driving License
  • Work experience / information on previous employment
  • Photographs (if you provide them to us along with your CV)
Legal basis for the processing

Arriello processes your personal data only for legally valid reasons. Unless otherwise stated, we process the candidates’ personal data based on their consent. However, we may keep your personal data in order to protect our legitimate interests, for example because of any legal dispute initiated by the candidate.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

Arriello processes your personal data within recruitment process that includes, inter alia, a response to your application for employment and communication with you during your recruitment process. We also process the personal data in connection with the assessment of your application and the information you provide us in connection with the application for employment for a specific position. Websites of job portals which we cooperate with allow you to attach attachments to your application for a specific position. You provide us with these attachments voluntarily, and personal data contained therein will be processed only for the purposes of assessing your suitability for the position.

For how long do we keep your personal data?

We only process personal data for the period that is necessary for the purpose for which we are processing it. It is our policy to delete data after the lapse of 3 years after you have been refused as a candidate for a position so that we can protect our rights and legitimate interests in any dispute relating to admission to employment.

To whom do we transfer your data?

In most cases, Arriello does not share your personal data with anyone outside Arriello. Personal data processed as per this information sheet may further be provided to authorized state authorities, institutions or other entities when the conditions specified by legal regulation are met.

What are your rights?

You have the right to be fully informed about the processing of your personal data. You have the right to know whether we process your personal data and what personal data we process, and to obtain information from us about the purpose and nature of the processing of personal data and the recipients of personal data. You have the right to:

  • access your personal data;
  • request the correction of your personal data if and to the extent you can prove such data is inaccurate;
  • request the deletion of your personal data in cases when (i) the personal data is no longer necessary for the above purposes, (ii) you withdraw your consent and no other legal reason for processing exists, (iii) you object against processing and we have no prevalent legitimate reasons to further process your data, (iv) your personal data was processed in violation of the law, (v) your personal data must be deleted in order to fulfill a legal obligation;
  • limit the processing of your personal data;
  • request a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and readable format;
  • object to the processing of your personal data and/or request its restriction. You can file a complaint directly with a Data Protection Authority.
Contact information

If you would like to know how we handle your personal data, please contact Natalya Lapteva, +420 735 758 562,