Stavební inženýr (Civil Engineer)

We are looking for an experinced CIVIL ENGINEER for new project in Brno.

What will be your key responsibilities:

Job description:

 1. Project documentation (Execution drawings)

• Review and ensure necessary local (CZ) certifications in compliance with regulations with Baken and other engineering design firms

• Discuss and get approval potential technical issues with client and local authorities (in coordination with company Team)

2. Company licence

• Prepare necessary steps for company CZ subsidiary to obtain construction trade license

• Act as a responsible person for construction licence for CBMI CZ subsidiary

3. Project execution

• Working with external controlling organizations to achieve approval by them of necessary documents for projects including licence/permit/certifications.

• Coordinate project technical issues with the client and local authorities (in coordination with CBMI Team)

• Support CBMI to develop local construction team - engineers (electrical, steel structures, mechanical, etc) or specialized engineering firms

• Responsible documentation issues for civil and architecture works.

• Coordinate documentation issues between various areas/engineers - structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.

4. Project documentation (as-built drawings)

• Ensure finalization of as-built drawings in coordination with company Team, client and external engineering firm.

What experience should you have:

General requirements of the candidate and expected experience:

1.. Bachelor’s degree and years of civil engineering construction management experience;

2. Familiar with relevant national and local construction laws, regulations, and standards, with solid professional knowledge;

3. Possess strong organizational and coordination skills, communication skills, and teamwork spirit, able to handle various construction issues properly;

4. Proficient in using AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, and other office software and engineering-related software;

5. Have good professional ethics and dedication, able to withstand a certain amount of work pressure;

6. Preference will be given to candidates with relevant professional qualifications Certificate Česká komora autorizovaných inženýrů (ČKAI).

Czech speaker

 Advanced or Upper-Intermediate English Language Leve

I want to apply

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