Informace o zpracování osobních údajů

Electrician at a luxury yacht factory in Finland

Information on personal data processing

In order to help you find a job and to be able to provide you with job offers (management purpose), with your consent UAB BONDO JOBS, registered address Ukmergės st. 369A, Vilnius, company code 305927306 (hereinafter - the Data Controller) in the candidate database, you agree to the following personal data of yours, which you will provide to the Data Controller or which are publicly available on the website:

  • name, surname, contact information, CV, education, date of birth, residential address, qualifications, education and work experience, current jobs, knowledge and skills, dominant job positions, results of assessments/tests, foreign languages you know, interview results . record, another country's social security tax or payer code (if you have one). Also, in some cases, special categories of personal data will be processed, i.e. health or disability data. In any case, personal data of special categories is collected only in the case and only to the extent that it is necessary for the selection for a specific job position and to the extent that it is allowed according to the applicable legislation.

Your personal data will be evaluated in order to assess the suitability of your candidacy for specific job positions, and provided to potential employers, other companies of the Bondo Jobs group. Potential employers and other Bondo Jobs group companies will be the controllers of your personal data.

As far as it is necessary for the implementation of the purpose, your personal data will also be processed by the data processor Datacruit s.r.o., registered office at Václavské nám. 1, Praha 1, 110 00, IČ: 03545652. In any case, this data processor is obliged to the data controller to properly comply with the personal data protection requirements provided for in legal acts. The data processor has access to personal data only to the extent that it is absolutely necessary to fulfill the purpose. Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties.

Your personal data will be stored for three years from the date of consent or until the date of withdrawal of consent, whichever is shorter.

This consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked at any time. Withdrawal of consent has no effect on the processing of personal data processed by the Data Controller on the basis of a legal basis other than consent. You can inform about the withdrawal of consent in the following ways:

- If consent was given electronically, consent can be revoked by clicking on the URL link in the email. in the letter that was sent with the registration confirmation or by sending an e-mail email to the email address;

- If consent was given in writing, it can be revoked by filling out the consent revocation form at the Data Controller's office, located at Ukmergės st. 369A, Vilnius.

You can find more information about the processing of personal data and other data subject rights and their implementation on the website of the Data Controller at

If you agree to the processing of your personal data for the above conditions, please tick: