Informace o zpracování osobních údajů

Facility and Office Management Specialist (Part-time)

Based on your application to this position, personal data in your CV and other personal data provided by you or gained during the recruiting process will be processed by Deutsche Telekom Services Europe Czech Republic s.r.o., identification no.: 05507278, registered office: Holandská 859/3, Štýřice, 639 00 Brno, e-mail: "DTSE CZ") as controller, for the purpose of selection of the candidate most suitable for the position as legitimate interest of DTSE CZ. You have no legal obligation to provide your data to us or participate in the recruiting process. Your data will be stored for the period of 5 years counted from the date of recieving your data. During the recruiting process your data will be processed by DTSE CZ employees both in electronic and paper form and can be shared with other companies within the Deutsche Telekom AG Group and affiliate companies, exclusively within EU. Due to the nature of the job and international collaboration within the company, Deutsche Telekom AG employees can even participate in the recruiting process. You have right to information about data we and our partners process and explanation about processing your personal data. You can also ask us to let you gain access to your data, to correct, update or amend your data or to block or erase your data ("right to be forgotten"). You can object to processing of your data and you can demand data portability to another controller. In case you will have doubts about our way of processing your data, you can contact us, our DPO Pavel Jireček at our registered office on aforementioned address or e-mail:, or refer to The Office for Personal Data Protection to lodge a complaint.