Informace o zpracování osobních údajů

WebDev Department Lead

I agree that the company Datamole, s.r.o., with its registered office at Banskobystrická 2080/11, Dejvice, 160 00 Prague, ID: 03742709, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 237133, as the controller of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Controller"), may process my personal data, which I have provided for the purpose of recruitment or which is publicly available about me on relevant internet networks, primarily to include my personal data in the database of job applicants in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 and the conditions specified below.

  • CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA - The processed personal data include name, date of birth, nationality, titles and degrees, detailed information regarding contact details including permanent address, email, phone number, education, and work experience, internships, current job positions, knowledge and skills, requirements for the job sought, and other related optional items.
  • SCOPE OF PERSONAL DATA - Controller processes applicant’s personal data included in the registration form filled out by the job applicant, in the applicant’s resume (CV, if provided)  and  publicly available on relevant internet networks.
  • PLACE AND METHOD OF PROCESSING - The processing of personal data is carried out on the premises of the Controller, either automatically through information technology means and/or manually in the form of a file, by individual authorized employees of the Controller or in collaboration with an external processor.
  • PROCESSOR - The company Datacruit s.r.o., with its registered office at Václavské nám 1, Prague 1, 110 00, ID: 03545652, has access to the processed personal data as a processor. The processing of personal data by the processor complies with the requirements of applicable legal regulations, ensuring the proper protection of the rights of the data subject. The processor has access to personal data only for the time and to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of processing. Personal data is not transferred to third countries.
  • PROCESSING PERIOD - The processing of personal data will take place for a period of 3 years unless this consent to the processing of personal data is revoked earlier.
  • REVOCATION OF CONSENT - The granted consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked at any time free of charge. The revocation does not affect the legality of the processing performed before the consent’s revocation.
  • RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT - In relation to personal data, the job applicant has the right to access their personal data, correct or supplement their personal data, request a restriction of processing, raise objections or complaints against processing in certain cases, request data portability, be informed about breaches of personal data security in certain cases, request the erasure of personal data in certain cases, and address their request or other submission to the Office for Personal Data Protection or, in case of infringement of their personal rights, request reasonable satisfaction in accordance with legal regulations or claim damages.
  • ACCESS TO PERSONAL DATA - If a job applicant requests confirmation whether their personal data is being processed, the Controller will provide the relevant confirmation and, if necessary, additional information about the processing of personal data as part of their right to access personal data.
  • SECURITY - The provided personal data is secured by standard procedures and technologies. The Controller ensures regular checks for system vulnerabilities and exposure to attacks. The Controller uses security measures that can reasonably be required from them to prevent unauthorized access to the provided personal data, and these measures, taking into account the current state of technology, provide sufficient security. The adopted security measures are regularly updated.
  • CONTACT - The Controller can be contacted via email at: or in writing at the address of its registered office.

Except for exceptions stipulated by the law, the Controller is obliged to dispose of personal data as soon as the consent is revoked or the period for which the consent was granted expires. In such a case, it is not possible to include and keep the job applicant in the relevant records of the Controller.