AP Accountant

What will be your key responsibilities:

Book and reconcile supplier invoices and employee expenses daily.

Match purchase orders with incoming invoices.

Reconcile balance sheet accounts related to accounts payable.

Prepare payments and assist with month-end closing procedures.

Ensure compliance with company policies and accounting regulations while identifying process improvements.

What experience should you have:

Secondary economic school diploma or equivalent.

Proven accounting experience and familiarity with accounting software.

Strong accuracy in data entry and discrepancy resolution.

Excellent organizational and communication skills with teams and vendors.

Proficient in double-entry bookkeeping, accounting software, and Excel; English at a conversational level.

What do you get in return:

Employment contract for an indefinite period

+ 13th Salary

Annual Bonus

Flexible working time (core time 9-3:00)

Home Office possible 2 days a week

Extra days of leave

Sick Days

Recreation allowance

Referral Program

Travel allowance

The third pillar of the pension scheme

Support for professional and career growth, education and training

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