DevOps Engineer

What will be your key responsibilities:

At ARTIN, we love building tech solutions that help our clients grow. We're all about innovation, openness, and responsibility, and our people are at the heart of what we do. Right now, we're on the lookout for a DevOps Engineer who started their career as a developer and is ready to dive deep into the DevOps world.

What you'll be doing:

We’re looking for someone with solid developer roots who’s ready to take their experience into DevOps. You'll be a key player in managing and developing the cloud infrastructure for our clients. While this role is fully remote, we’re flexible—if you prefer to mix it up with a bit of office time, we can accommodate that too.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll be doing:

- Containerization: You’ll work with Kubernetes daily to manage and orchestrate containers across our infrastructure.

- Infrastructure as Code: You'll manage all configurations using Terraform, with everything stored in GitHub.

- CI/CD Pipelines:Help us build and maintain CI/CD pipelines for new services and migrate existing solutions with tools like Jenkins.

- Supporting development teams: You’ll be there to support our dev teams in building and running new cloud solutions on AWS, using CI/CD processes.

- Platform development:Help shape and improve our shared platform and work on enhancing our existing cloud platform with other talented engineers.

- Security best practices: Make sure security is baked into system designs and configurations.

- Automation and tools: Create custom tools and automate workflows through scripting and programming.

- Agile teamwork: Be part of our Agile processes—planning, code reviews, estimations, and more.

What experience should you have:

Who we’re looking for:

We’re after someone who started out as a developer and is now excited about getting more into DevOps. You should have at least 2 years of experience in things like:

- Kubernetes

- Docker

- Jenkins


- GitHub Actions, ArgoCD, EKS, or similar

Don’t worry if you haven’t used all these exact tools—what matters is that you understand the principles and are eager to learn and grow!

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