Division Director

About the job:

The role centres on driving essential profitability and cultivating sustained growth through the formulation of strategic objectives, effective personnel management, and the execution of core tasks.

Your Mission will be:

Prepare the division for the next growth in 2025, that means bringing in new logos and new projects

Setting the long-term strategy for next 5 years

Support and nurture Actum's strategic partnership with DACH (Germany, Switzerland), the UK, and Benelux.

Be part of preparing the division for the next phase of growth in 2025, including bringing in new clients and projects.

Contribute to shaping the long-term strategy for the next five years.

Support and nurture Actum's strategic partnership with DACH (Germany, Switzerland), the UK, and Benelux.


What will be your key responsibilities:

Key Priorities:


  • Builds and develops the entrusted Division of Cybersecurity & Forensics
  • Responsibility for P&L management, business plan, and business strategy
  • Setting outstanding client experience delivery and resource management


  • Creating a successful Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Sets efficient cooperation with clients to meet their needs
  • Acceleration of foreign expansion by new client acquisition


  • Supports their subordinates to grow professionally while supporting in-novation, ambitions, and team ability
  • Coaching/mentoring of the subordinates
  • HR related tasks (hiring, development plans)
  • Reporting to Managing Partner

What experience should you have:

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