Facility Manager

We have a great opportunity for Facility Manager to join our team in Warsaw. The main responsibility is to keep smooth operation and deliver the highest technical and environmental standards.

What will be your key responsibilities:

  • Manages activities related to building and technologies management, either directly or through subcontractors, with the aim to ensure operational stability of the building in terms of safety, cleanness, climatic comfort and quality of building services (information desk, contractor personnel).
  • Constantly troubleshoots and ensures fastest possible solution of any emerged problems.
  • Actively participates in tendering, vendor selection (define criteria for procurement and select best supplier), contract preparation, vendor coordination and regular evaluation of subcontractors´ performance quality (supervision and control of timely and correct invoicing of provided services and providing feedbacks on services quality).
  • Elaborates and updates Operating (and CAPEX) Costs Plan, spending execution, continuous monitoring of resource usage and its compliance with the plan. Requests exceptions from a country lead in case of overspends.
  • Conducts active research, proposition and implementation of innovative solutions to increase efficiency of operation and internal FM processes.
  • Acts as an Subject matter expert for the technical innovations, also for the other buildings and creates respective business case.
  • Communication with the Construction Manager in case of renovation or construction work to harmonize the construction activities and operation of building services.
  • Ensures archiving of up to date project and operating documentation of the building and its tenants and property complaint with all technical country regulations.
  • Meets with tenant, insurance company and lawyers to negotiate the solution of an insurance event in the premises of the building.
  • Updates the resource usage plan

What experience should you have:

Previous work experience in facility management of office buildings 3 - 5 years, in these areas:

  • Wiring and energy management
  • Air conditioning and heating systems (HVAC)
  • Fire protection and security systems
  • Sanitary and water systems
  • Smart Building & IoT Solutions
  • Lighting and wiring
  • Lift and transport systems in the building
  • IT infrastructure and communication networks
  • Facility Management Software & Digitalization

Nice to have experience:

  • Renewables and Energy Efficiency
  • Acoustics and sound insulation
  • Waste management and ecology
  • Exterior maintenance and site management

Other requirements:

  • Advanced MS office
  • Strong technical knowledge & problem-solving
  • Professionalism and responsibility
  • Strong communication skills and ability to get along with various personalities
  • Ability to build long-term relationships with clients & vendors
  • Ability to work under the pressure of time and collaborate with others (external professional).

What do you get in return:

  • Multikafeteria benefits
  • Medical care
  • Life and accident insurance
  • Flexible working options
  • 5 sick days
  • Company events
  • Refreshments in the office
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