Finance Business Partner

Finance business partnering, analysis, deep dives, business support, discussions and challenging with pushing business together forward. Does it make your head spin? At the Finance Department we love it the most at Rohlík!

Jaké budou vaše klíčové odpovědnosti:

This role will require you to be extremely hands-on, communicative, in daily interactions with our colleagues from business departments, proactive, organized, able to cope well under pressure and have a passion for Finance Business Partnering in a fast-growing start-up environment.

  • You will challenge, how the things are done, what can be done better and propose new ways of doing things
  • You will provide support to business (e.g. analysis and advising in decision making)
  • You will closely participate on business direction
  • You will identify risks, inefficiencies, propose solutions and internal processes, participate in their implementation and control of their compliance
  • You will participate in the development of internal systems and will be actively involved in projects
  • You will prepare business cases and ad-hoc analysis
  • You will collaborate on monthly financial statements, budget / operational planning and external audit

Jaké zkušenosti byste měli mít:

  • Experience in the role of Finance business partner
  • Experience from Big 4, especially Consulting big advantage
  • Proven track record in communicating with departments outside finance and supporting them with analysis and business insights
  • Analytical thinking is your own
  • Orientation in business economics and basics of accounting
  • Excel at professional level, PivotTables, search functions, etc.
  • Knowledge of Czech and English at a communicative level
  • High level of responsibility and independence
  • Desire to learn new things and explore new areas

Co dostanete na oplátku:

  • Inspiring meetings ROHLIKtalks, our suppliers presentations and tasting
  • Unlimited Free Days
  • Bonusly - benefits for kudos
  • Multisport Benefit card, On the bike to work and other sport challenges
  • Rohlík Premium + 10% discount on online shopping with us
  • Subsidised vending machine with Sklizeno & Nespresso coffee
  • Your work will have a direct impact on the company's results
  • Career growth opportunities in a dynamic team
  • We will implement your good ideas almost immediately – not waiting for the approval of the headquarters somewhere in the world
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