IT Architect PL

What will be your key responsibilities:

• maintaining and improving existing systems as required (Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, Dynamics 365 Business Central),

• designing new computer systems and frameworks,

• troubleshooting technical issues,

• risk mitigation planning,

• collaborating with Business Analysts and IT team to resolve issues and ensure solutions areviable and consistent,

• creating system guidelines and manuals for the organization,

• running training sessions and workshops on system processes,

• structuring and prioritizing business requirements and communicating plans with stakeholders for review and approval.

What experience should you have:

• critical thinking ability,

• strong problem-solving capacity,

• high-level written and verbal communication skills,

• project management skills,

• ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines,

• knowledge of UML,

• knowledge of data modelling and data visualization tools (SQL knowledge required),

• experience with enterprise architecture (e.g. TOGAF Standard),

• at least 2 years experience in the same or similar position,

• active knowledge of English verbally and in writing (B2 / C1),

• experience with application programming is very welcome,

• experience with Zoho CRM administration is very welcome,

• experience with Enterprise Architect tool is very welcome.

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