PR Consultant
- Praha hl.m.
- Dohodou
Do našeho interního PR týmu hledáme šikovného kolegu či kolegyni, který/á je komunikativní, pečlivý/á, otevřený/á novým výzvám a má chuť se učit nové věci. Ideální kandidát/ka by měl/a mít pozitivní…
We are looking for people who love building products from scratch. We are not a regular software house. We build ventures. We are seeking someone to take a venture project from prototype to deployment. As an experienced AI/ML Engineer, you will lead our implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms and tools in AI and data science. You should be confident in communication with internal and external stakeholders as well in support of our sales effort. Our Data&AI team sits directly in the core of Creative Dock’s R&D in AI, supporting venture building from feasibility to scale.
Creative Dock is based on state-of-the-art technologies, AI, and an innovative mindset. Our tech stack is basically unlimited. More importantly, its composition is always designated by the tech people. We count on a team of professionals to choose the best languages and platforms.
Why join Creative Dock
Our multinational team operates mainly throughout Europe and the Middle East. Because we develop our ventures using agile methodologies, we need people to be able to work closely with each other. We come into the office 2–3 days a week if possible. But we do have a lot of fully remote colleagues as well. We are proud of our informal atmosphere.
Are you fed up with the disconnect between programming and business? Are you attracted to the startup environment because it would allow you to participate directly in developing your product? Join the unique environment of a global venture-building company.
What we offer
What we need from a Lead AI/ML Engineer
What competencies you should have
Hiring process:
Equal Opportunity Employer:
Creative Dock is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.
We only work on projects that we personally believe in and products that transform people’s lives in a positive way. Are you interested? Get in touch.
Creative Dock
We believe that ideas matter.
Our core business is creation by doing.
Do našeho interního PR týmu hledáme šikovného kolegu či kolegyni, který/á je komunikativní, pečlivý/á, otevřený/á novým výzvám a má chuť se učit nové věci. Ideální kandidát/ka by měl/a mít pozitivní…
Montovat značkový nábytek nebo kuchyně, je pro dobré montéry nejen výsada ale také čest. V XXXLutz jsme si toho vědomi a kvalitní montéry dokážeme ocenit.Do montážního týmu v Praze, hledáme…
Hledáme kolegu/kolegyni, na stálou práci úklidu potravinového řetězce - 4h denně v ČERNOŠICÍCH ve Středočeském kraji ( Praha - západ ).Vhodné pro aktivní důchodce, OZP, kteří nejsou fyzicky omezení…