Senior Service Architect, Management Access

We are looking for a Service Architect who wants to join Security Tools & Platforms.

Security Tools & Platforms is here to ensure that Tietoevry personnel and our customers have reliable and secure access to Tietoevry hosted services like ServiceNow, and safe Management Access to customer workloads.

What will be your key responsibilities:

  • Planning, evaluating, designing, implementing and documenting service solutions that match or exceeds customer and user expectations.
  • Participating in creation of roadmap, strategy, architecture, and principles including security and continuity policies.
  • Continual service improvement, internal studies of system performance, research, evaluating new technologies and following security trends.
  • Providing internal pre-sales support.
  • Cooperation with product manager, technical architects and specialists.
  • Focus on Management Access with overlap to Identity Access and Management.

What experience should you have:

  • Planning, evaluating, designing, implementing and documenting service solutions that match or exceeds customer and user expectations.
  • Participating in creation of roadmap, strategy, architecture, and principles including security and continuity policies.
  • Continual service improvement, internal studies of system performance, research, evaluating new technologies and following security trends.
  • Providing internal pre-sales support.
  • Cooperation with product manager, technical architects and specialists.
  • Focus on Management Access with overlap to Identity Access and Management.

What do you get in return:

  • At first great team full of professionals, friendly manager and great northern culture.
  • Permanent working contract.
  • Home office according to your needs, flexible work hours.
  • Possibilities to increase your technical and soft skills by internal and external trainings, certifications etc.
  • Cafeteria system of company benefits – you choose how to spend your credits: restaurants, wellness, culture, sports, traveling.
  • Internal benefits (extra week of vacation, 2 sick days, food coupons directly to your salary, contribution for life and pension insurance etc.)
  • Beverages and fruit in the building for free.
  • Fitness center in the building.

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