Supplier Deliver Assurance Expert

Great opportunity for an expert in Supply Chain Management...

What will be your key responsibilities:

Maintain supplier deliveries during supplier capacity strains and financial crisis situation, safeguarding the requirements of the stakeholders (e.g. parts delivered to locations, continuous supplier production, etc.) with an implementation of short and long-term activities to keep the production at the expected level.
Provides "lessons learned" feedbacks accumulated from the field and projects involved, to improve procedures and process that targets the prevention of the supplier's insolvency and capacity strains.
Leads cross-functional task force, a team of experts assembled whenever the situation is applicable (e.g. Industrial Engineer, Supply Chain, Quality, Sales, Accounting, Purchasing, Legal and External Consultants).
Provides inputs for the Vendor Tooling Specialist, to safeguard vendor tooling data, whenever tooling issues are part of the root cause analysis from the supplier capacity strains. Performs capacity audits at selected suppliers, monitor capacity strains and if necessary leads external consultants for capacity audits.
Leads Logistics suppliers and solve until successful de-escalation to a minimum and hand over to Supply Chain.

What experience should you have:

Expert in automotive Supply Chain Management
SAP knowledge
English skills (oral and written)
Knowledge of purchase methods and tools as well as Project Management
Knowledge of lean tools and methods for supplier improvements Product and System knowledge
Analytical thinking

What do you get in return:

Top opportunity for experts in SDA.
Great salary conditions and benefits.
The International scope of work covering activities located mostly in Europe.

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Další pozice v oboru Strojírenství, region Liberec region

Technik 3D měření

  • Be On Top
  • Liberec
  • Dohodou

Baví Vás práce s měřídly a jste čerstvý absolvent?

Technik 3D měření

Konstruktér senior

  • Be On Top
  • Turnov
  • 35 - 70 000 Kč/měs

Chcete navrhovat a zpracovávat konstrukční řešení jednoúčelových strojů, automatických linek, kontrolních přípravků?

Konstruktér senior

Vývojový konstruktér

  • Be On Top
  • Liberec
  • 35 - 60 000 Kč/měs

Chcete vyvíjet design nových výrobků v oblasti výroby a strojírenství?

Vývojový konstruktér