Working Student: Partner Business Management

Take on responsibility! You support the Partner Business Manager with daily tasks and are a helping hand with the implementation and mirroring of the Knuspr service on Amazon. You ensure business processes are upheld and communicate with both internal Knuspr stakeholders as well as Amazon Marketing POCs to inspire our customers with your high service orientation for a unique shopping experience.

Was sind Ihre Verpflichtungen:

Your responsibilities

  • You support & eventually lead the promo planning processes, set-up and communications

  • You create & adapt on-site marketing communications (such as Landing pages, themes & storylines), and make sure key messages and USPs of Knuspr campaigns work well in the Amazon environment

  • You support the commercial team in listing the Knuspr assortment, check dataflows, and help improve listing qualities

  • You are the mediator between Knuspr and Amazon customer care and follow-up on unique customer requests

  • You help in automizing manual processes to improve scalability of our business

Welche Erfahrung sollten Sie haben:

What we need from you

  • Be passionate! We are a dynamic team and constantly on the move. You are ready to roll up your sleeves with us. You are flexible and willing to learn something new and are characterized by your precise way of working and your eye for detail. You also have an interest in a wide range of tasks and a very good grasp of things.

  • Be open for change! The Partner Business is less than half a year old. We are constantly inventing and reinventing our ways of working, processes and communications, to continuously improve. You are ready to try new things, are not demotivated by failure but see it as a chance to improve and re-think.

  • Be precise! In such a fastly developing field, documenting and setting in stone processes is almost impossible. You are an organizational talent and follow up and hold up to agreed timings and inputs. 

  • Be communicative! We can only improve if we talk to each other and are open to and talkative about improvement ideas.

  • You are well versed in the handling of MS Excel and/or Google Sheets

  • Fluency in German, excellent knowledge of the English language

Was bekommen Sie dafür:

What we offer 

  • Exciting job with essential impact on the company's results

  • Implementing good ideas almost immediately without waiting for a long approval process

  • Setting trends by innovative and meaningful work

  • A dedicated team of highly motivated colleagues with passion for food and customer centricity

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