Open Application

Please apply for suitable roles within Cloud / SaaS / Security platforms.

We can navigate you through the local IT market and help you find suitable roles in these areas:

  • IT Consulting
  • IT Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Sales
  • Top Management

What will be your key responsibilities:

  • Your responsibilities will differ by the nature of your past experiences and your present preferences.

What experience should you have:

  • you are a team player
  • you have ambitions for your own personal growth and want to learn new skills
  • you have good communication and presentation skills
  • you are a good listener
  • you have good analytical skills being able to define client needs
  • you are interested in any of these platforms: Microsoft, Salesforce, SAP, other digital platforms

What do you get in return:

  • flexible working environment
  • space to grow + certification learning path
  • very good salary
  • senior roles with certain level of responsibility
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