Operations Research Engineer

We are looking for an experienced Operations Research Engineer to join our Analytics team. In Rohlik, we face complex optimization challenges across our entire operations - from labor demand forecasting to optimal shift patterns and inventory management. We strive to leverage advanced optimization techniques and simulation methods to make our operations more efficient and robust.

What will be your key responsibilities:

  • Design and implement optimization models for workforce planning, shift scheduling, and inventory management
  • Develop discrete event simulation models to analyze workforce utilization, material flow and operational efficiency
  • Create and maintain decision support tools that help operations teams make data-driven decisions
  • Work with large-scale optimization problems using commercial or open-source solvers and simulation tools
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business constraints and translate them into mathematical models

What experience should you have:

  • Experience with mathematical optimization techniques (Linear Programming, Mixed Integer Programming, Constraint Programming)
  • Strong knowledge of Python/Java and optimization/simulation libraries (e.g., PuLP, OR-Tools, SimPy)
  • Experience with simulation modeling and analysis
  • Ideally a few years of hands-on experience in applying operations research methods to real-world problems
  • Strong background in algorithms and data structures
  • Understanding of supply chain operations and logistics
  • Practical and realistic understanding of trade-offs between solution quality and computational efficiency
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