Upřesnit hledání

Nabídky práce

Našli jsme 3 nabídky

Finanční manager na poloviční úvazek

  • Forscope
  • Jihomoravský kraj
  • 25 - 35 000 Kč/měs

Dejte své odbornosti prostor a pracujte tak, jak vám to vyhovuje.🕒 Zkrácený úvazek | 3–4 hodiny denně | Flexibilní pracovní doba – na VPP nebo IČ📍 Brno – práce z kanceláře💰 Fixní odměna 25 000 Kč +…

Finanční manager na poloviční úvazek

Business Development /Cold Calling Specialist - ROM

  • Forscope
  • Romania
  • 2 000 - 3 500 EUR/m

Are you a cold calling expert with fluent Romanian and with a strong background in outbound sales?Do you have call center experience and excel at booking meetings with decision-makers?Looking for a…

Business Development /Cold Calling Specialist - ROM

Business Development/Cold calling specialist - PL

  • Forscope
  • Poland
  • 2 000 - 3 500 EUR/m

Do you have experience with active lead generation and want to represent a reputable IT company focusing on business/corporate clients?Are you looking for flexibility in terms of working hours,…

Business Development/Cold calling specialist - PL