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We found 27 job offers

webMethods Expert

  • IT match
  • Austria
  • By agreement

Our partner is a subsidiary of a major Austrian insurance company, which provides its services to more than 3 million clients in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With over 200 years of tradition,…

webMethods Expert

webMethods Developer

  • IT match
  • Austria
  • By agreement

Our partner is a subsidiary of a major Austrian insurance company, which provides its services to more than 3 million clients in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With over 200 years of tradition,…

webMethods Developer

Senior Test Manager (A715)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava - Hybrid
  • 270 - 330 EUR/MD

We are looking for a Senior Test Manager for a long-term project starting ASAP.Our client focuses on card issuing and acquiring services, such as fraud risk management, disputes handling, on-demand…

Senior Test Manager (A715)

IT Consultant (A706)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava
  • 300 - 400 EUR/deň

Náš partner je globálna sieť profesionálnych služieb, ktorá poskytuje audítorské, daňové a poradenské služby. Ich odborníci pomáhajú klientom implementovať inovatívne riešenia, ktoré zjednodušujú…

IT Consultant (A706)

Test engineer (A702)

  • IT match
  • Brno, Bratislava - Hybrid
  • 3 000 - 4 000 EUR/m

Our partner is a pioneering technology company focused on overcoming the limits of modern semiconductor technology. By developing groundbreaking solutions that unlock the full potential of nanometer…

Test engineer (A702)

Ruby on Rails Engineer (A707)

  • IT match
  • Remote
  • By agreement

Our client began operations in 2014 with the vision of significantly simplifying parking for drivers. The company has developed a variety of digital parking solutions tailored for B2B partners. These…

Ruby on Rails Engineer (A707)

Full-Stack Developer (A521)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava
  • 2 200 - 3 000 EUR/mes

Klient je stabilnou spoločnosťou na trhu v meteorologickom svete už takmer 25 rokov. Bud súčasťou tvorby softwaru, ktorý sa používa na všetkých kontinentoch na svete a je dôkazom, že aj spoločnosť z…

Full-Stack Developer (A521)

Tech Lead (A551)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava - Hybrid
  • 4 000 - 4 500 EUR/m

We are looking for a Tech Lead for a long-term project starting ASAP.The client has been a stable company in the meteorological world for almost 25 years. Be a part of creating software that is used…

Tech Lead (A551)

C++ developer (A556)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava - Hybrid
  • 2 100 - 3 200 EUR/mes

Pre slovenskú spoločnosť, svetového lídra v IT meteorologickom svete, hľadáme skúseného programátora so znalosťami jazyka C++,  so záujmom o spoluprácu na výnimočných projektoch v špičkovom tíme IT…

C++ developer (A556)

SAP Consultant (CO, PP, PM, QM, PS) (A671)

  • IT match
  • Bratislava - Remote
  • 3 000 - 4 500 EUR/mes

Našim partnerom je renomovaná IT spoločnosť, ktorá poskytuje kvalitné a cenovo dostupné riešenia v oblasti IT infraštruktúry a podnikového softvéru. Medzi ich hlavné aktivity patrí podpora a…

SAP Consultant (CO, PP, PM, QM, PS) (A671)