Technical Writer
Nitriansky kraj
1 800 - 2 500 EUR/mes
Do tímu vývoja hladame kolegu, ktory bude mat na starosti tvorbu technickych noriem.

Do tímu vývoja hladame kolegu, ktory bude mat na starosti tvorbu technickych noriem.
Hľadáme šikovného a zodpovedného dispečera vnútroštátnej dopravy, ktorý sa pridá k nášmu tímu a pomôže nám zabezpečiť efektívne riadenie prepráv. Ak máte organizačné schopnosti, logické myslenie a…
Predaj profesionálnej čistiacej technológie /strategický investičný priamy predaj/ Aktívna komunikácia so zákazníkmi v oblasti priemyslu, logistiky a pod. Vyhľadávanie nových obchodných partnerov vo…
You'll be the technical authority, responsible for the architecture and authorization framework of our front-end reporting platform, built on Microsoft Azure. Your expertise will shape the governance…
Process invoices, prepare payments, and maintain accurate accounting records Reconcile vendor statements, resolve discrepancies, and maintain vendor relationships Ensure compliance with accounting…
- Pracovali by ste na prototype produktu pre zákazníka.- Mali by ste na starosti návrh produktu, tak, aby spĺňal kritériá zákazníka.- Pripravovali by ste technickú dokumentáciu, pracovné postupy,…
The Senior DevOps Engineer oversees the full lifecycle of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) strategies. This role includes defining and…
At Open Cloud, we offer a public cloud solution built on open-source community software, following the principles of DevSecOps. Our work is shaped by lean structures, agile methodologies, and highly…
Oversee daily accounting operations, including accounts payable, receivable, general ledger, fixed assets, and payroll. Ensure compliance with accounting policies, regulations, and balance sheet…
Manage monthly, quarterly, and annual close processes for Intercompany and general ledger accounting. Ensure accuracy and integrity of accounting information by verifying transactions and preparing…