- Talentinno
- Praha hl.m.
- Dohodou
Hledáme novou hvězdu kreativního týmu do televize s největší sledovaností v ČR.Nečekej a čti dál!
Hledáme novou hvězdu kreativního týmu do televize s největší sledovaností v ČR.Nečekej a čti dál!
Analýza a správa softwarového portfolia se vším všudy napříč koncernem a lokalitami worldwide!
GALYTIX IS LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED .NET DEVELOPER.Galytix is a London based technology company on its journey to become the Smart Data Analytics Platform of choice for Financial Services…
Global company, a Leader in their business is offering a new job opportunity - Senior SW Engineer - TeradataTeradata Engineer will be responsible for analysis of functional and technical requirements…
For our prominent customer from automotive area. We are looking for senior candidates to join our core team.The successful candidate will have the responsibility of developing a large and complex…
Spoločnosť, ktorá vyrába plastové výlisky pre automobilový priemysel hľadá do svojho tímu Majstra zmeny.
Global Logistic company is looking for a new member of their Cyber Defense Center team of “Ethical Hackers” (Red Team) - Senior Information Security Engineer